To launch any of the demo programs, simply double click on its icon.
Choose the adventure, The River Bank on the menu selector. Click the mouse or any key to stop the program from reading. Any highlighted word may be clicked on to receive a spoken and written definition. Each page has many animations, which are activated by clicking the mouse on the various objects. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard or click the mouse in the lower edges of the screen to progress to a desired screen. Click on quit on the main menu or in the control panel to exit the program
You will join Pinocchio in the middle of his adventures. Click on the arrow keys to progress through the story. The read button will read the text aloud. Animations may be viewed on some pages by pressing on the action button, and viewed again by pressing rewind. Highlighted words may be clicked on to get a definition. The last page in this demo is a living page. By pressing the mouse on various places in the picture, animations will be activated. The control button will bring up a panel to allow you to adjust the volume, skip to another page, or quit the program.
Experience the thrill of the joust by selecting it from the menu. Use the mouse to select your horse and your opponent. During the joust, use the mouse to raise or lower your lance, and the mouse button to raise your shield. The day is won (or lost) when your opponent (or you) is unhorsed twice. You may quit the program either from the menu or prior to a joust.
Select Chapter 4 from the menu to read part of the story. Click on the arrow icons, or use the arrow keys, to progress through the story. The read button will cause the text to be read aloud. The "Anim" button, when visible, will run an animation. To view an animation again, press "Reset" and then "Anim." Panel will bring up a control panel which will allow you to adjust the volume, go to another page, or quit the program. Selecting "Read Entire Story" will run the program automatically, including having the text read aloud and the animations run.
Background music will play continuously. Moving the mouse around the screen will help you locate animations. When the cursor turns to an "A" within the magnifying glass, you can select an animation to view by clicking the mouse button. Bring the mouse down to the lower portion of your screen to bring up a control panel. From the control panel, you can bring up the text associated with a picture, go to another page, adjust the volume, or quit the program. When the text first appears, it will automatically be read aloud. Click on the highlighted words to receive a definition.
For demo purposes, you are confined to the year 1941 on the Asian continent. You can learn about their culture, innovation and history. All of the buttons on the panel are also given menu bar equivalents. Press the "GO" button to move you to your selection. For more detailed instructions, press on the "HELP!" button, or select help from the menu. To quit, you may use either the quit button or quit under the file menu.
Select electricity from the menu. Press any key or the mouse button to stop the reading of the text. Highlighted words may be clicked on to get a definition. Use the arrow buttons to continue through the lesson. If a concept has an animation or a video associated with it, a button will indicate this fact. The panel button allows you to adjust the volume, skip to another page, or quit the program.
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